Australian Centre on Quality of Life


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Open-Access Publications Index

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Author Year Title File(s)/Resources
Trish Ayers 2011 Subjective Wellbeing: An appraisal of the role of HPMood, Approach-Avoidant Control, Extraversion and Neuroticism
Catherine Bearsley 1997 No Place Called Home: Quality of Life and Meaning in Life of Homeless Youths
Christopher Best 1996 The Quality of Rural and Metropolitan Life
Renée Bittar 2009 Subjective Wellbeing Maintenance: Investigating Depression as Suppressed Homeostatically Protected Mood
Jed Blore 2008 Subjective Wellbeing: An assessment of Competing Theories
Judith Cahill 1998 The Role of Primary and Secondary Control Mechanisms in the Subjective Well-Being of People on Methadone Matintenance Treatment Programmes
Nikki Cameron 2014 An Investigation of the Psychometric Properties of the Personal Wellbeing Index (PWI)
Tanja Capic 2014 Estimation of set-points and range for Subjective Wellbeing and Homeostatically Protected Mood
Christopher Caras 2003 Religiosity/Spirituality, and Subjective Wellbeing
Jung Chin 2004 Volunteer's Satisfaction and Subjective Wellbeing among Prosocial Individuals
James Collard 2009 The Role of Positive Irrational Beliefs in Mental Health & Wellbeing
Christy Collins 2001 Psychological and Situational Influences on Commuter Transport Mode Choice
Vanessa Cook 2003 Subjective wellbeing: An Integration of Depression, Stress, and Homeostasis Theory
Rachel Cousins 2001 Predicting Subjective Quality of Life: The Contributions of Personality and Perceived Control
Melanie Davern 2004 Subjective Wellbeing As An Affective Construct
Belinda Davey 2004 Failure of Homeostatic Subjective Well-being as a Model for Depression: An empirical study
Jessica de Maeyer 2010 Quality of life among opiate-dependent individuals after starting methadone maintenance treatment
Megan de Souza 2008 The Relationship Between Primary and Secondary Control and Eating Behaviour
Marie Crozier-Durham 2007 Work/Life Balance: Personal and Organisational Strategies of School Leaders
Lisa Engel 2009 Psychological Impact of DAFNE Training in Adults with Type 1 Diabetes
Maria Fernandez 2017 Enhancing quality of life and mental health in substance using adolescents
Elham Foroughi 1995 Cross-cultural Quality Of Life alnong Persians
Laura Francke 2004 A six-month study of the impact of the Active Linkage Initiative on Quality of Life in Licensed Boarding Houses in New South Wales
Camilla Franklin 2013 Subjective Wellbeing: The Role of Resilience and the Resources Maintaining the Homeostatic System
Francie Garretto 2000 Life satisfaction homeostasis and the role of personality
Dominic Germano 2002 Quality of Life and Sense of Coherence in People with Arthritis
Alison Gluskie 2011 Subjective Wellbeing in Children
Alex Hakuzimana 2005 Quality of Assessment in Adults with HIV Infection in the Treatment and Research AIDS Center (TRAC) HIV Clinic of Kigali. A Cross-Sectional Study
Linda Hartley-Clark 2015 Investigating the Affective Core of Subjective Wellbeing: the Circular Way
Lauren Hateley 2005 Experiential influences on Subjective-Wellbeing: The role of Loneliness, Transport Accessibility and Geographic Location
Luke Heeps 2001 The Role of Primary/Secondary Control in Positve Psychological Adjustment
Debbie Jehobo 2001 Quality of Life after Migration to Australia: A Comparative Study of Vietnamese and Filipino immigrants
Francine Jellesma 2008 Somatic Complaints in Childhood: How they are related to children's emotional and social functioning
Katja Joronen 2005 Adolescents' Subjective Well-being in their Social Contexts
Wendy Lynn Kennedy 2011 Health Satisfaction and Perceived Control: Investigating Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis
Kylie King 2001 The Subjective Quality of Life of People with MS and their Partners
Pieter Kriel 2006 The relationship of morality, ethics and justice to quality of worklife
Lufanna Lai 2010 Religiosity and Subjective Wellbeing in Christianity, Buddhism and Taoism
Lucy Lake 2004 Volunteerism and Perceived Control as Predictors of Subjective Well-Being
Catherine M E Lally 1999 Paternal Committment and Quality of Life
Michael Leary 2002 Is Social Justice Possible? A critique of the responses of F.A. Hayek, John Rawls and Alasdair MacIntyre.
Markus Lorbergs 2012 An Exploration into Physical Activity and Subjective Wellbeing Homeostasis
Kimina Lyall 2021 Mindfulness, depression, and subjective wellbeing homeostasis: theoretical and empirical investigations.
Yvonne McKendrick MacKay 2008 The Processes through which Affect Infuses Judgements of Subjective Well-Being
Rod McCrea 2003 Cognitive mechanisms underlying mood bias in life satisfaction judgements: Affect-as-information or affect priming?
Elise Maher 1999 Subjective Quality of Life, Perceived Control, and Dispositional Optimism among Older People
Elise Maher 2002 Overcoming Controllable and Uncontrollable Work Difficulties: Change Environment or Self?
Kathleen Jane Martindale 2010 An investigation into the subjective wellbeing of people with an intellectual disability
Leena Matikka 2001 Service-orientated Assessment of Quality of Life of Adults with Intellectual Disabilities
Kathleen Matuska 2010 Validity Evidence for a Model and Measure of Life Balance
Trevor Mazzucchelli 2010 Behavioural Activation Interventions for Depression and Well-being
Wendy McPherson 2001 Spirituality and Well-Being
Bianca Miller 2005 The Relationship of Healthy Eating, Exercise and Sleep with Subjective Well-being
RoseAnne Misajon 2002 The Homostatic Mechanism: Subjective Quality of Life and Chronic Pain
Zaib – un – Nisa 2015 Linkage of the Components of Subjective Wellbeing with Happiness
Elodie O'Connor 2005 Student Well-Being: A Dimension of Subjective Well-Being?
Kathryn Page 2005 Subjective Wellbeing in the Workplace
Francesca Parente 2012 Measures of Quality of Life and Sustainable Development in Metropolitan Areas
Lauren Parker 2005 "Eat Drink and be Merry". Healthy Lifestyle and Subjective Well-being
Jennifer Rashleigh 2004 Relationships: A Significant Factor in Depression?
Michele Roberts 1997 Perceptions of Primary and Secondary Control in Lesbian/Gay and Heterosexual Samples
Ashley Ruyg 2016 Homeostatically Protected Mood as a Primary Source of Shared Variance in Subjective Wellbeing
Melissa Catherine Sadlo 2005 Effects of Communication Mode on Connectedness and Subjective Well-Being
Amy Salt 2002 An Investigation into Community Wellbeing in Urban and Rural Populations
Andrew Seaton 2005 Investing in Intelligence: an Inquiry into Educational Paradigm Change
Catherine Seton 2014 Investigating the effect of item order on the Personal Wellbeing Index
Eylem Simsek 2011 The effects of organizational communication and personality traits on life satisfaction
Michael Staples 2004 The Relationship of Volunteerism and Perceived Control to Personal and Neighbourhood Wellbeing
Colin Thompson 2001 Stress and renewal associated with time spent bushwalking
Adrian Tomyn 2008 Subjective Wellbeing as an Affective Construct: Theory Development and Construction with Adolescents
Lindsay Tunbridge 2019 Associations between Leprosy and the Subjective Wellbeing of People within India and Nepal
Willem Johannes Arie van der Deijl 2017 The Measurement of Wellbeing in Economics: Philosophical Explorations Retrieved from the Australian Centre on Quality of Life
Belinda Warren 2005 Influences of a Wilderness Experience on Individual Health and Wellbeing: A Case Study on Fraser Island
Sarah Walsh 2008 United States Citizens Retiring in Arizona Versus Costa Rica: An Exploratory Study
Melissa Weinberg 2011 Subjective Wellbeing in Australian Families of Holocaust Survivors

Quarterly collation of Bulletin Issues

The ACQol bulletin is a weekly publication sent to all members. To become a member, fill out this application form

Bulletin Issues Date Download link
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 1/01-2327/07/17 - 28/12/17Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 2/01-1304/01/18 - 29/03/18Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 2/14-2605/04/18 - 28/06/18Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 2/27-3905/07/18 - 27/09/18Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 2/40-5204/10/18 - 27/12/18Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 3/01-1303/01/19 - 28/03/19Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 3/14-2604/04/19 - 27/06/19Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 3/27-3904/07/19 - 26/09/19Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 3/40-5203/10/19 - 26/12/19Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 4/01-1304/01/20 - 26/03/20Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 4/14-2602/04/20 - 25/06/20Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 4/27-3902/07/20 - 24/09/20Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 4/40-5201/10/20 - 24/12/20Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 5/01-1331/12/20 - 25/03/21Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 5/14-2501/04/20 - 24/06/21Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 5/26-3901/07/21 - 30/09/21Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 5/40-5107/10/21 - 23/12/21Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 6/01-1306/01/22 - 31/03/22Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 6/14-2607/04/22 - 30/06/22Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 6/27-3907/07/22 - 29/09/22Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 6/40-5206/10/22 - 29/12/22Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 7/01-1305/01/23 - 30/03/23Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 7/15-2613/04/23 - 29/06/23Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 7/27-3906/07/23 - 28/09/23Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 7/40-5205/10/23 - 28/12/23Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 8/1-1304/01/24 - 28/03/24Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 8/14-2604/04/24 - 27/06/24Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 8/27-3904/07/24 - 26/09/24Download
ACQOL Bulletin Vol 8/40-5203/10/24 - 26/12/24Download